(Click on the icon or the chart name
to begin downloading - the file sizes are approximate)
Key Command sheet (v1.0)
(28k) (1 page PDF file)
A single sheet that shows all the available key commands.
Some functions do not work (yet).
While this is based on a standard 105 key keyboard yours may vary.
It is not necessary to print at 100%. Choose 'fit to page' when printing.
Luftwaffe Truetype
(click icon for a larger
view) |
(8k) Truetype Font for Macintosh
(8k) Truetype Font for PC
Based on the original PC Font by Ronnie Olsthoorn
Macintosh Version converted by Bob Heffner
Two types of crosses are included.
An early-war Balkenkreuz and a late-war Balkenkreuz
Photo Recon Me109
(460k) (Zip file containing 2 TGA files, a JPG and a readme.)
It's what my ME109 recon aircraft would look like, including:
- the MaxOverlays logo on wings & fuse
- a weathered texture
- maps and nav aids strewn on the wings outside the cockpit
- big yellow tires (as on the B-17 from Spielbergs Amazing Stories episode
"The Mission")
- a camera access opening (w/door left off)
- and my face on the pilot
Photo Recon P38 - "Sorry Santa!"
(236k) (Zip file containing
2 TGA files, a JPG and a readme.)
It's what my P38 recon aircraft would look like, including:
- the MaxOverlays logo on wings & fuse
- big yellow tires (as on the B-17 from Spielbergs Amazing Stories episode
"The Mission")
- Santa caught on the nose
- and an elf pilot
Feel free to distribute
the .tga files.
Unofficial WarBirds & Dawn of Aces site